Very few jobs require you to actually run. Yesterday it struck me how different journalism is from other jobs. While I was trekking out to Bayonne via PATH and Light Rail the photographer got held up in court fighting a parking ticket. I'm running late, he's running late,... great.
He calls me and says "I'm literally running." (Running to his car).
I sat on the Light Rail and laughed because I'm sure he actually was running. It's so important to be "there" when something is happening, especially when you are a photojournalist.
Then I found myself in a similar predicament. After exiting the lightrail and walking in the wrong direction I finally managed to point myself in the right direction. Then, I started to run. Wearing my pink puffy Northface coat on top of a furry Northface fleece and snow boats, I started to sweat. So then as I was running I started delayering, stripping off my coat and fleece.
Long story short, I made it, I felt disgusting, but I made it. In fact, we both made it.
So I guess there's even more motivation to go to the gym. My training is starting to pay off...