Meant to post this yesterday...
The day after news breaks about the Republican Alaskan Senator being
indicted, the New York Post runs a fat cat on the front cover. Most
news junkies would be really appalled. But it's a different story for
me. I do have some problems with it, but I'm not as upset as most hard
core journalist.
Reasons being:
1. Obvious. Put a cute fat animal on the cover = sell more papers. Now
most people would say, that's not what the business is all about. I
agree, however, at a time when the economy is in the pits, especially
the news business, putting paper sales ahead might be looked down
upon, but it also might be necessary and smart.
2. People are sick of bad news. That's what papers like the post and
the Daily News are for. They are for entertainment and news. Honestly
a fat cat is pretty entertaining and it makes for a good cover vs. a
man who most people wouldnt recognize.
3. It's a regional paper, not a national. The New York Times sometimes
forgets that it covers New York, but that's OK because they are now
accepted as a National paper. (That and the Times now has specific
blogs and sections and New York emails to keep up with the scene.) All
that being said, papers like the Post rely on the nationals to cover
such serious and complicated matters and not to cover the humorous
silly real life stories that happen in New York.
4. My only beef would be that the Post ran the story as a small blurb,
placed at the bottom corner of page 17. Ironcially right next to an
add for CNN. Also the blurb is from the AP. They didn't even have a
stringer attempt to write it. All that being said, the Post did devote
a large spread on page 8 to Gov. Paterson's announcement to call an
"emergency session of the state Legislaturse" because the state is
approaching an "economic calamity."
Again, regional newspaper, regional news. People will probably
disagree with me, and I already know a former student of mine who was
appalled that the Times number one story the other week was about
chocolate chip cookes, but people need something that's news without
the bite. Call me weak, call me whatever, but it's true. Look deep
down and even those crazy news junkies will glance at a fun photo in a
feature story- even if they don't read it.
People need a break, and that's why my favorite story and quote of the
day come from "Fat Cat, No weigh! Proky kitty is 44 lbs."
By the way, even the Times ran this story... WITH A HUGE PIC.
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