Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Olympics, Swimming, Gymnastics, President bush, etc...


So what if our president is at the olympics?

Many people will say, "I'm glad he doesn't have more important things to do.."

I am and was tempted to say the exact same thing. I don't particularly like him either. But I'm glad he's there. These athletes have worked their entire lives for this/ these moments. And though they may only be 16, that's 16 years of not having a life other than their sport-- all for this moment. And I think it's important for the head of state to respect that.

Anyway, after watching gymnastics and their dreams come true/ get crushed in single events - it just reminds me how important it is to them.

Also in swimming having watched this relay-absolutely amazing. Caught myself cheering on the sofa all by myself...

Very exciting, and it only happens every 4 years.

Honestly, I was a little disappointed when radio stations chose to broadcast baseball games in the Sates instead of the olympics.

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