Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Debate Tonight

Don't miss the third presidential debate on tonight at 9 p.m. It will most likely be more of the same repeated over again. McCain will try to re spark some of the former energy that has recently faded.

A New York Times poll suggests that McCain's attacks might be hurting him more than helping him. Ignoring the fact that the majority of people who voted on the New York Times poll were probably liberal in the first place- it's hard to see how his attack ads wouldn't be looked down upon.

It reminds me of the 2006 race for Governor in Massachusetts when Kerry Healey (former Lieutenant Governor under Mitt Romney) kept launching attack ads against Deval Patrick. At the time everyone I spoke with couldn't stand her ads, and several of my friends decided to vote for Patrick simply because of this.

And, as we all know now, Patrick won the election.

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*AP photo, pulled from

1 comment:

angelinjones said...

Tonight Sarah Palin and Joe Biden go head to head in the Vice Presidential Debate live at 9PM EST. I don’t know if there’s ever been so much hype surrounding two VP choices but we’ll see what happens tonight. Will Palin pull a Katie Couric or will she show up with more than a bunch of one liners? Will Joe Biden watch what the heck comes out of his mouth? Be sure to tune in tonight then come back on Friday to discuss who you think won.
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