"Although I have been a Republican for many years, I am planning on voting for Obama. George Bush and the Republicans remind me of the Biblical parable of the man with ten talents who didn't use them. Bush had both houses and the executive branch for so many years, and he could have used his political capital to do so much good. Instead he got us into a costly war, unbelievable debt and made enemies of the rest of the world. It's time for a change."
-Nell Anne, Irving, TX

"I worry that the economic mess will be laid upon McCain's
doorstep and cost him the election. The economic policies
which led to the recent collapse are the product of both
parties. The is blame enough to go around."
-Mark, Dallas, TX

“I’m going to vote for Obama, not enthusiastically because I was a Hillary supporter, but he’s the lesser of two evils. There was a point in time when I actually considered McCain, but he’s just a slime idiot, there is no way I'll vote for him.”
-Cindy Redwood City, CA
Have your say, what do you think?
*Texas map taken from politico
*California map taken from edjoin.org
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